Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Basics of Photography

First create a new document and make sure that the preset is international paper and the colour mode to be on RGB. The next things to do are find an image and save it then open it onto Photoshop. Once this is done it will open the image into a new tab so to move the image to the original one use the mouse tool and drag it onto the original document created.
So the image fits the size of the document it needs to be transformed. To transform the scale of an object press edit, transform and scale. When making the object bigger the shift button needs to be held down so when the image is transformed it will be in focus.
The next step is to make a duplicate of the layer and name it ‘working layer’ so that if the editing goes wrong there is a back up copy. To duplicate right click on the layer and press the duplicate icon, make sure to hide the original image, so it doesn’t interfere with editing, by pressing the eye icon next to the layer.
To delete the background behind the image like on a person use the quick selection tool and select the background then press the delete key to get rid of it. Afterwards create a new layer by clicking the square with a folded edge at the bottom of Photoshop on the right hand side. When the layer has been created a colour can be added by clicking the colour boxes on the left hand side of the screen.

The to add text press the T tool on the left hand side and to add a stroke or outline to the text press on the text box in layers.

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